Monday, December 29, 2008

Cape Cod & Islands Views: A Photo Journal

Cover for my latest book. There will be a signing December 13 from 1pm to 3pm at the Yellow Umbrella Books in downtown Chatham or order your copy online here.

Mill Creek Pier Information Sought

Good Day:

My name is Matt Hart and I grew up in So. Chatham, MA.

Because I lived on Forest Beach Road I frequently went to Forest Beach which is at the end of the road on the Nantucket Sound side of Chatham. As a youngster I remember seeing a long wooden jetty with a large group of mooring posts at the end on the west side of the river that comes out of Taylors Pond, into Mill Creek and then into Nantucket Sound for over 100 yards from the beach. There are still about 100 plus yards of large granite boulders carefully placed to create a strong jetty that still can still be seen on that same side of the river that were connected to the former wooden jetty stretching in a northeasterly direction from the large post in Nantucket Sound well into the entrance of the marsh and salt pond area before the river continues to Taylors Pond. (There is a separate, much smaller river to the east that flows out of the Marsh and separates Cockle Cove Beach)

I heard many stories as a child about the harbor:
1. That there was once busy harbor filled with ‘fishing & packet boats’ coming and going.
2. There was a tale about how some workmen had being killed during the construction of the jetty and the harbor when a steel cable broke loose.
3. How three large boulders were placed about two hundred yards from shore and toward the west to anchor the barges that were loaded with granite for future use building the jetty.
4. The first damage of the jetty and harbor took place during the 1938 hurricane and tidal surge.
5. The final devastation of the harbor took place during the 1944 hurricane.

I have no idea why this harbor in South Chatham was not replaced? I cannot even find a name for the harbor; but I have heard it called Mill Creek and/or Eel River many times. I suspect that some of the land and adjacent marsh to the west of the river was sold by someone to the then RCA Global Communications.

But I would like to know who built this massive harbor structure? What was it called? Why wasn’t the harbor restored? What is the history of this jetty in South Chatham? I have included a small map to provide you with the general location. Thank you in advance for your time and interest.

Matt Hart
2 Samoset Road
Harwich, MA 02645

Alzheimer's Disease Book

I read a wonderful review you wrote for Amazon on an Alzheimer's book.

I will be in Falmouth, Ma. this coming Dec. 10th at the JML Care Center and will do a brief talk and book signing 11-12 am for my book on Alzhiemers as well. My website, gives all my information and the community service projects I am involved with as well.

I hope this can help those in Chatham and on the Cape.

Zoƫ A. Lewis, MD, FACP
business 305 434-7900
fax 305 673-7139
cellular 617 794-0008

Chatham Trivia Questions Wanted

Good morning. My name is Heather Manson and the company that I work for - Hasbro, Inc. – has booked a company function at Chatham Bars Inn for the first week of December. Part of the function is a scavenger hunt that I am putting together for the first morning of the meeting. Although I have been to Chatham several times, it has been a few years since the last time. I have a few questions regarding the location of certain restaurants/bars, etc. and the distance between certain shops on Main Street. Do you happen to have a map that shows the shops and restaurants on Main Street? Also, would it be possible for you to assist me with some suggestions of scavenger items – specific to Chatham and some trivia questions?

Thank you.

Heather L. Manson
Senior Coordinator
Hasbro, Inc.
P 401.727.5275
F 401.727.6809

Life is a journey not a destination.....

Chatham Beach Wedding

I found the message someone left on the web today about having your wedding at the Chatham Lighthouse. My fiance and I would like to have our wedding on that beach as well. Has anyone found anything out? What would have to be done? Who would have to be contacted?

I know this is rare, getting an email from a total stranger about a wedding, but I was just wondering if you could give us some information about this.

Thanks in advance.

Amanda Bird

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Chatham Polls on November 4

©Christopher Seufert Photography

Chatham Christmas Stroll


I'm also looking for info about Christmas by the Sea. Can someone tell me the date of the Chatham stroll this December when the merchants have “open house” w/ cooies and refreshments??? The Chamber of Commerce is no help.

Thank you,

WCC Information for those interested

Hi Everyone,

Get to a good magazine store quick and pick up a copy of the Nov. 2008 issue of Monitoring Times magazine. It has a great story about the history of WCC

Tom McKee

Seaside Links Open?


I will be on the cape this weekend.. is Chatham links golf course still open.. when i called today i got no answer?


Chatham Swap & Drop - November 15

Swap & Drop!

ChathamRecycles is celebraing America Recycles Day with a Drop & Swap event! The Chatham Transfer Station is having a bonus opening for Chathamites and non-Chathamites alike. Bring your old Reusable treasures and make them someone's new treasures!
Holiday ornaments and decorations are welcome--participate in early "Holiday Swapping", learn about alternative wrapping paper, and purchase a kitchen scrap bucket or compost bin! Along with these festivities, there will be FREE hot apple cider to those who bring their own mug, as well as a FREE cloth bag and ChathamRecycles bumper stickers!

And don't forget to do your part--sign a nation-wide Recycling Pledge...and bring along your recyclables!

Chatham High School Athletic Booster's Club


Does anyone know how I might get information about the Chatham High School Athletic Boosters Club’s annual comedy night?

Tommy Doane

Spending Thanksgiving in Chatham


I am thinking of coming to Chatham for Thanksgiving and the weekend after.
WIll someone please give me some information on activities that I may do with 3 teenagers.

Are there any holiday (x-mas) celebrations that weekend?
Museums, plays, shopping, movies?
Are there any holiday activities on either Martha's VIneyard or Nantucket? Do you need advance tickets for the ferry?
Any websites I can use?
I have not been able to find any information.

Thank you.


Fires on Red River Beach


I was wondering whether you know if one could have small fires (marshmallow roasting type deal) on Red River Beach, or if there was anywhere in the area where that was permitted, or whether one could get a permit from somewhere? I would be much appreciative to hear back from you soon, since I am trying to plan a small outing with a few friends for not this weekend, but next.
Thanks for your help!

Lily Erlinger

Christmas by the Sea Info Sought


What weekend is Christmas by the Sea this year?

Best regards, Mit freundlichen GrĆ¼ssen, Meilleures salutations,
Catherine Strizzi
Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation
Director, Global Marketing & Sales Learning
USEH, 404-538
One Health Plaza
East Hanover, NJ 07936-1080
Phone: +1 862 7787360
Cell: +1 862 684 2045
Email :

Cape Cod RFK Info Sought


Would anyone happen to know anything about Robert F. Kennedy's interest in art, his drawings or where I could find out information about this?

Thank you.

Chatham Weathervane Shop


We are hoping you can help us find a store in Chatham. We were on Cape Cod last week on vacation and coming from Yarmouth, before entering downtown Chatham there was store that sold weathervanes and nautical items, with many things buoys and wrought iron things. Do you happen to know what store that would be and how we can contact them? They had an item we wished we had purchased but aren't sure of the name of the store.

We enjoyed Chatham immensely and hope to be back soon, in the mean time we hope you can help!

Kind regards!
Fia and Charlie

Chatham Craft Group

This is sure an odd question. My husband and I were in Chatham on Sept.25th.
I met a very nice lady in Ben Franklin store and she told me about a
pocketbook she had made. She was even kind enough to bring us to her car so
she could show me it. She said she had just come from a group of ladies where
she was demonstrating how to make it. She explained it all to me and I
thought I had it down pat but not sure about a couple of things. She told me
her name but I can't remember it. She was leaving for Florida on Sat Sept27
for the winter, she said her husband did not like the cold. She goes to
Citrus Hill. If I could only get in touch with another lady that could help
me out I would so appreciate it. I should have gotten her address in Fl but I
thought I understood it all, she was so helpful and such a delightful lady.

I should explain a little about the handbag. You used a yard and a half of
cloth and cut strips on the bias. Then you knitted it on 10 or 11 size

thanks for any help you can give me.

Sandy Keenan
304 Weaver Hill Rd.
West Greenwich, R O 02817

Chatham Retirement Home

Hello- We're looking for a retirementhome,cottage, where we can be free to have use of dining facilities. limited attention to the medical needs of seniors, and housekeeping as needed.

Are there any such homes in the area?

I used to live in Harwich so am familiar with the area.

Thanks for any help.
Paul and Joan Weirich

Chatham Christmas Stroll


I have not been able to find the dates of the annual Chatham Christmas Stroll anywhere online. Can someone tell me the dates and if a schedule is available? I am interested in when the shops are open in the evening.


Laurie LaConte

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Barack Obama: Latest Video

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Labor Day at Hardings Beach

The last days of summer are upon us.

©Christopher Seufert Photography

Location of Chatham Fish Pier


I would like to take my daughter to see the port where the commercial fishing boats come in and out of and watch them unload their catch. I am having trouble locating it and would appreciate an address or directions.

David Banker

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Cape Cod National Seashore

I'd like to visit Cape Cod National Seashore at a time when it isn't too crowded. What about September or October? Are these good times?


H Janin

47270 St. Urcisse

Nauset Beach Hotel


What is the name of the hotel, right in front of Nauset Beach? It’s on the right side as you go down driveway to parking lot,,,, thank you !!!


A question about the word "Pochet"


This probably seems like a strange question/request, but I am spending this summer reading every mystery novel by author Phoebe Atwood Taylor--one of her series takes place entirely on Cape Cod, and there are continuous references to Pochet or East Pochet throughout the book. I was wondering if you could tell me how Pochet is pronounced? I have 22 novels left to read in the series and as an English major in college this is driving me crazy, lol!!!

Thanks for any help you could give me!


Chatham Downtown


Will shops on Main Street be open on September 22, 2008? Is two hours enough time to visit the shops?

Thank you
Doreen Walsh

Pleasant Bay Beaches


I have a quick question -- are there any public beaches at Pleasant Bay for Harwich residents to use?

Barry Inger

Chatham WiFi Hot Spots


I'm bringing a bunch of family to Chatham for vacation. My daughter and her inlaws from Italy! Unfortunately, we do need wifi for some who have to log on to do some work. The home we rented unfortunately has none. Is the whole city Wifi?

Thanks for your info.


Chatham Fish Pier


My family and i are coming to the cape in a few weeks and we would like to go to the chatam fishing pier to see the boats unload and the seals!

Could someone tell me the location of the pier so i can get directions from yarmouth where we are staying. maybe even a local establishment i can use for direction purposes. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated!

Chatham Band Concerts


We will be visiting Chatham for several days in August (14th, 15th, 16th and 17th). In visiting many times in the past, we have enjoyed listening to the Town Band in Concerts there.

My question is: Can a visitor sit in with the band at one of the concerts? I have played and conducted 9 different community bands and orchestras in the Philadelphia area and would love to 'sit in' with the band when we are visiting in Chatham. Is there anyone I may contact for this information and do they allow it? Also, do you have a schedule of their performances for that part of August?

Vincent L. Maola
20 Forest Lane
Swarthmore, PA 19081

Chatham Medical Services


We are staying at the Wings Neck Lighthouse the end of August thru Set. 6, 2008.
My question regards medical services. Is there a comprehensive hopsital in the general area?. We are looking forward to our visit.

Thank you,
Bev Hayden

Chatham WiFi Spots

My husband and I will be visiting his mother in Chatham next month.

Can someone tell us where in Chatham we can find wifi access and a a printer (I will have my laptop with me) to print our airline boarding passes for the return trip?

Many thanks,
Susan Conrad

Information about the boat Madonna





Chatham Lighthouse Tours


We’ll be visiting there next week. We were told you have free tours of the lighthouse on Wednesdays.

Can someone please confirm this and also give me the times the lighthouse is open that day, 7/16? Our kids would love to see this.

Debby Easum

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Wedding at Lighthouse Beach


I know this is a little out of the ordinary, but I am getting married june 5th 2010 and I love the chatham coast guard beach with the lighthouse. I am not sure who to contact about this but I guess you have to start somewhere.

The reason I am contacting you is to find out who I need to talk to about having my wedding on the beach there. or by the lighthouse.

Please contact me at
Thank you

the most precious things in life are the ones not expected!

Sunday, July 06, 2008

Looking for sail boat tours.


I'm wondering if there any sail boat rides out of Chatham, as we will be there from the 12-26 of July.

Please advise me, thank you

'Chatham By Air' Book Cover

The new hard cover book by photographer Christopher Seufert featuring aerial phographs of Chatham, Cape Cod. 80 pages with bonus DVD of images and videos.

Available now here
Signing from 3:30 to 6:30 on July 12, 2008 at the grand opening of the Christopher Seufert gallery at 2469 Main Street, Chatham.

Chatham Aerial Photography Book Released with July 12 signing

Chatham, Cape Cod Gets First Aerial Photography Book

Chatham, Massachusetts (July 9, 2008) -- It's hard to believe this book doesn't yet exist, but the many faces of Chatham’s everchanging coastline have now been captured in a newly released coffee table book by photographer Christopher Seufert. "Chatham by Air: Aerial Photographs of Chatham, Massachusetts, 80 photographs in hard cover, hits the streets with a wine and cheese signing at the Christopher Seufert Gallery (2469 Main Street, Chatham) from 3:30pm to 6:30pm on Saturday, July 12.

Shot entirely in 2007 and 2008, the color photos give a priority treatment to the town’s dramatic new break at North Beach. The first 20 images show the progressive erosion in similarly composed images shot over time. Monomoy, downtown Chatham, and virtually every body of water are also revealed in perspectives from the air. Further on, seals bask on sandspits, a scalloper rocks on its anchor in Nantucket Sound, the ever green links of Eastward Ho reflect the light of a sunny day on Pleasant Bay.

While the main project is a traditional hard-cover coffee table book, Seufert, a documentary filmmaker by trade, brought his film and video background to play with a full complement of multimedia components, including a DVD slide show (with 50 additional images) included with the book and also available separately, a free cross-platform screensaver (available as a download from Apple), and a separate 27-minute online video slideshow for sale as a download.
"My core business through Mooncusser Films helped me add a little more kick to the publishing of a Cape Cod photo book, I hope," explains Seufert. "Though I love holding a real book in my hands, photos are no longer something that live only on the printed page. These images really hold up well on a large HD tv and the aerial details are revealed much more truly large like that.”By offering the dvd as a free add-on to the book and giving people the option to purchase it separately for $20 as opposed to the $50 book, I'm hoping to evolve the Cape Cod photo book one step, as it’s a great value at high quality with more images than printed book.
Though Seufert went away to college and spent the early part of his career 'over the bridge,' he grew up in Chatham, where couldn’t help but be influenced by the legendary aerial photographer Dick Kelsey.
“He would shoot our family portrait every year and also progressive aerial photos of our neighborhood so I was very familar with his work,” says Seufert. “Seeing how the Hardings Beach area where I grew up changed so dramatically over time in his photographs, I noticed how well his images functioned as documents of the changing face of Chatham and not just as art. So his work was certainly a big inspiration for this book. He would tip his wings to us when he passed overhead and I’ve always seen him as something of a romantic character, a cowboy of the skies.”
Seufert undertook the photo excursions more for the adventure, foresaking a more scientific approach that would entail shooting the same flats over time at the same tide point in the tides. Working closely with pilot Jill Douglas he chose instead to base his trips more on good weather and on covering every part of town. “I would always go shoot the new break every time I was up, but I also made sure that I got shots of every part of town, including downtown, which I don’t normally see in other Chatham aerial collections. Jill was fantastic, and her skill at the controls really gave me the same ability to hover over one spot as well as if I were in a helicopter. She’s also has a very relaxed and patient demeanor, which made it easy for me to focus on shooting all the time.”
Mr. Seufert currently has most recently had his photos published at, National Public Radio, Cape Cod Magazine, and last year he released his first book “Chatham Views: A Photographic Journal from Chatham, Cape Cod.”
"Chatham by Air", printed by Blurb Press, has 80 8" x 10" pages with 77 full-color original photographs on 80 pd. semi-matte paper stock and is available for $49.95 in hard cover and $36.95 in soft cover, both with bonus dvd. The book is now available online at and locally at Yellow Umbrella Books, Where the Sidewalk Ends, Mark August, Beach Cottage Designs, and Chatham Bars Inn.
For more information please contact:
Christopher Seufert
Christopher Seufert Photography

Chatham Railroad Museum Spikes Donated


We are from New York State and have been visiting The Gibson Cottages for over 50 years at Eastham. Back in the 70's me and my son were walking the old railroad path which is now the Bike & Walk Path. This was when the old rails were removed but the old rotting ties were still there. We walked along the area by Depot Pond and discovered each tie had a two digit date spike,they were about 2" long.We pulled out over a dozen date spikes.One was dated in the late 1890's and the others dated from the 20's to the 40's. About four summers ago at the Old School House Museum in Eastham ,we met a lady who said she was associated with the Chatham Railway Museum.We asked her if she would be kind enough to deliver the rail spikes to the Chatham Railway Museum,she said she would.

I guess my question is; are they on display at the Museum?This summer we will be up at Eastham in August and will be visiting The Fish Pier and plan on visiting the Railway Mueum,for that reason it would be good to know if my Rail Spikes would be on display.

Don Cook

Chatham Clambake Suggestions Sought


My husband's family has a home in Chatham. We are planning a 40th birthday celebration this August. Does anyone have any suggestions for Clambake companies to use?

Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Thank you,

Clamming License


Is it possible to go clamming in Chatham? If so where? Do you need a license?


Chatham Vacation Rental Information


I am interested in renting a vacation home for all of next summer and have found one, but need to know how far it is from the center of town. My parents who are in their eighties and don't drive, would like to be able to walk to where the hub of the restaurants and shops are without too much difficulty. The owners don't live there and don't seem to know distances too well, so I'm hoping you might be able to help.

The house is on Snow Lane, it's near Old Comers Rd. and Rte. 28, near a church. I have a feeling where it is, but it's hard to tell on Mapquest.

I'd really appreciate your help in this, it's a great house and I love Chatham!

Thanks so much!

Loren McAuley

Chatham Lighthouse Address?

I am trying to find the exact street address for Chatham Light – can anyone possibly send me that information?

Thank you very much,

Doug Scalise,
Brewster, MA

Chatham Jewelry Store


What is the name of the jewelry store on Main Street in Chatham? I was there last week and want to inquire about something I saw in the window.

Thank you!

Julie Burgess

Chatham Lighthouse Tours


What time are the Chatham Lighthouse tours? We were told you have free tours on Wednesdays and we’ll be travelling there in July and would like to visit.

Thanks, Debby Easum

Chatham House Tour Happening this Year?


Last year, I attended a House Tour in Chatham with some friends. We had a wonderful time. Does anyone know if it will be held again this year?


Name of Chatham Store Sought

You may call this your dumb question of the day...

When I was visiting Chatham a few weeks ago on vacation, one of the stores on the Main Street had a collection of signs, one of which said something like "Live Long, Laugh Much, Golf Often." I had taken a card so that I could order the sign later, but misplaced it. And now I don't even know the name of the store in order to make the call. Online searches have revealed nothing. Can you help? Does anyone have any idea which store I might be thinking of? Any help you can provide will be welcome! Wish I were there now!

-- Catherine Lombardozzi

Friday, April 11, 2008

Chatham Maritime Festival Announced

Chatham Maritime Festival Announces
Open Solicitation for Craft Vendors

April 7, 2008: The Women of Fishing Families (W.O.F.F.) is hosting the 2nd Annual Chatham Maritime Festival on Saturday, May 10th, 2008. In preparation for this event, the organizing committee is soliciting applications from those interested in being vendors and selling their goods throughout the day. Interested parties need not have items related specifically to fishing. Vendor booths will be open from 10am – 5pm and the entire event will take place in the town parking lot, Main Street, Chatham.

Vendor applications can be downloaded at and are due by April 15th. For more information, please call 774-408-6012.

Contact: Kelly Payne, 774-408-6012 or Karen Murdoch, 508-274-2092

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Shellfishing on Monomoy Documentary Sample

Written by Stuart Moore and directed by Christopher Seufert of Mooncusser Films for the town of Chatham.

See more

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Chatham Area Pools?

Hi Everyone,

My family and I are spending a week in Chatham this year in July. We have two small boys 2 and 4 yr olds, we plan to stay in The Hawthorne and am looking for kid friendly attractions/"things to do". I'm sure we will make great use of the beach but was wondering if there were any pools or water activities for their age?



Friday, April 04, 2008

Golfing in Chatham


Is there a golf driving range in or near Chatham? Does the place have loaner drivers? I am visiting with my 88-year-old former-champion-golfer mom 5/26-6/1 and would love to have her "critique" my swing. ;0)
Thanks and have a great sesason!
Annie from CO (Mom is from western Mass.)

Annie Muldrew-Pancoast
Certified CO teacher and Homebound teacher with SVV Schools
Owner/Teacher~Solstice Tutoring Center
2919 W. 17th Ave., Suite 220, Longmont, CO 80503
303-651-2806 or Email:

Thursday, April 03, 2008

Getting to Chatham

Hello....I live in Boston and need to visit Chatham for a day. Is there a bus that departs Boston and stops in Chatham? I am also open to Cape Air but it doesn't look like they stop near you.

I won't need a car once I get there, so my first choice would be transportation that is not a rental car.

Your assistance is appreciated.


Chatham Lighthouse Tours


Does anyone give tours of Chatham Light?

Fishing Boat Sought


I will be visiting the area in April and was wondering if anyone can recommend a party boat for a half day fishing trip?
Thank you.


Chatham High School Class of 1978 Reunion Announced


The Chatham High School Class of 1978 is organizing a 30th reunion to be held in the fall. They are trying to collect current email addresses ofclass members. If you are a member of the class of 1978, please send an email to with your name and current email address.


Jim Dempsey

Sea Kayaking Tour Wanted


My son's 8th grade class is going to the Cape Cod Sea Camp located in Brewster for the end of year class trip. It will take place May 10-15th.

We are looking into the possibility of a guided sea kayaking trip of a modest scale. It would be 20 kids and 4 chaperones.

Please let me know what anyone could offer and recommend and how much it would cost.

Many thanks,
Kay Zwirn

Monday, March 17, 2008

Summer's around the corner....

Originally uploaded by Chris Seufert
Hardings Beach - Chatham, Cape Cod.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Stage Harbor Aerial Photo

Stage Harbor Aerial Photo
Originally uploaded by Chris Seufert
Prospective image from the upcoming Chatham aerial photography book by Christopher Seufert.

H. Brett Paintings


I have a original old watercolor signed H. Brett.

Would anyone know where I might find more info on him??

Best Regards,

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Viewing Scope

Viewing Scope
Originally uploaded by dallasheller
Viewing scope at the top of the fish pier in Chatham with boat in background. Rain lashed the coast of Cape Cod this week.

Photograph by Dallas Heller.

Friday, February 01, 2008

Chatham Railroad Museum Display (spikes)


We are from New York State and have been visiting The Gibson's Cottages for over 50 years at Eastham.Back in the 70's ,me and my son were walking the old railroad path which is now The Bike/Walk Path.This is when the old rails were removed ,but the old rotting ties were still there. We walked along the area by Depot Pond and discovered that each tie had a date spike,they were about 2" long.We pulled out over a dozen ,one was dated in the late 1890s and the others dated from the 20's to the 40's.About three years ago at the old School House Museum in Eastham ,we met a lady who said she was associated with the Chatham Railroad Museum.We asked if she would be kind enough to deliver the spikes to the Chatham Railroad Museum,she said she would.

I guess my question is- Are they on display at the museum ? In either case,we plan on going down to Chatham to visit the Fish Pier and the Rail museum.

Don Cook

Chatham North Beach Camp Lost

In an ongoing drama, erosion claimed another house on Sunday as a cottage on Chatham's North Beach washed off its foundation and floated into Chatham Harbor. The losses of these beach cottages are economic for the owners, but more importantly, the loss of a way of life for Cape Codders in general.

©Christopher Seufert Photography.

Unbox Videos