Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Blackman's Tavern Info Sought


Does anyone have any information on Blackman's Tavern or perhaps information about the original purpose of the building?

I was told it was the business prior to The Captains Table in the center of Chatham.

Also, Are there any older photographs of this center area of Chatham?

Thanks, Brian Fogg, Ludlow, Ma.

Buck's Creek Clammer

Buck's Creek Clammer
Originally uploaded by Chris Seufert.
A clammer walks off the winter flats in back of Hardings Beach at Chatham, Cape Cod while the sun sets.

Digging Chatham Steamers


Can someone help me out. I have a question.

I dig my own steamers. Recently they have extended the season in the Boston area. We always soak them the night before with salt water and cornmeal. What is happening is very unusual, as we still have a lot of sand left in them. Would someone have any idea why this is happening?

Appreciate it if you could get back to me.

Thank you,


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