Saturday, December 23, 2006

Christmas in Chatham, MA

7:56pm- Christmas Car
Originally uploaded by Chris Seufert.
A car speeds by the Christmas tree in the triangle of downtown Chatham.

Christopher Ryder House


Can anyone tell me if there is a restaurant know as the Christopher Ryder House in Chatham? I think that it was one of the top restaurants in the U.S. at one time. Any information would be appreciated.

Jacqueline Clifford

Channel 18 Broadcast


I recently went to see my granddaughter and her classmates perform at the Chatham elementary school. I have heard that the show will be on channel 18. Is there a way to view the schedule to see when it will be aired.?

Bob Riddell

Friday, December 15, 2006

Chatham First Night and Christmas.

Downtown Chatham, MA
Originally uploaded by Chris Seufert.
The Christmas decorations are up. First Night is very popular here and lots of people come from Boston for it. This is the main square (actually a triangle) in town.

See Chatham photos and gifts at

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