Saturday, July 29, 2006

Chase Park Art Show


I’m interested in finding put when the art show in Chase Park will be held. I know it’s usually in August, but would love to know the specific dates.


Karen Matlock

Fisherman on the F/V Rugrats Unloads.

Fisherman F/V Rugrats
Originally uploaded by Chris Seufert.
Codfish are sorted into totes aboard the Chatham, Cape Cod gillnetter Rugrats. From there the tote is emptied into a hydraulic bin which is raised, then emptied down a chute, where they're put onto ice and sent out the back door of the pier into waiting trucks. Chatham codfish.

Off-Season Suggestions


We are planning an extended weekend to your area early part of Dec. unless
another weekend has a special event. Please email me and let me know of nearby
cities scheduled events or events near by? Thanks.

Gloria Pierce

Monday, July 24, 2006

11:45pm- The Chatham Squire, Massachusetts.

You might meet anyone from your past in here, from anywhere and any context.

Cape Cod Kite Surfing

We are planning to come in your area for a week; can someone help me with the following?

Which beach is the best for:
-For the kids
-Kiteboarding and for kids if possible

Jean Bergeron

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Harwich, Cape Cod History


I was amongst the volunteers to recently install the trail and parking area
at the Monomoy River woodlands area, and one day while we were working out
there a gentleman hiker mentioned something of the history of the property:
pointing out a rusted shell of a car just off the trail he insisted that it
was a remnant from an old road and taxi route that used to run, and that
"sometimes when the taxis broke down they would just abandon them by the
side of the road." I was wondering if this were true, and if so whether or
not you have any more information on the subject (or at least know of a
source who might) as your website is the closest thing to an answer my
Google searches have come up with thus far. Thank you and have a nice day.


Patrick Cassin

Program Supervisor
AmeriCorps Cape Cod
3195 Main Street
P.O. Box 427
Barnstable, MA 02630

Saturday, July 08, 2006

8:49 PM at the Monomoy Theatre- Chatham, Cape Cod.

Patrons file into the side garden for lemonade. Chinese lanterns and fireflies. You've seen it in a dozen tattered movies but this is a real place right here in Chatham. The Ohio University Players are based here.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Ridgevale Beach Motel

To Whom It May Concern-

I am looking for the above mentioned Inn...I haven't been able to find it on any site....I was wondering if you might be able to help me.

Thanks so much!

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Roman Candle - July 4, 2006

The amateur fireworks at Chatham's Pleasant Steet Beach were just as festive as the official town displays.

Cape Cod State Parks?


Are their any state parks or state lands near Harwich or Brewster.
thank You
Henry Rogers

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Hotel Mattaquasson


My father-in-law worked at the Hotel Mattaquason in Chatham during the summers while
attending college.

We have some great pictures of the entire staff outside the hotel and wondered
where it was/is located?

Frederick Wilkey was the owner at the time.

Roxanne Cartwright

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